Medan, North Sumatra
Medan is located in the province of North Sumatra. There are several tourist attractions, such as Lake Toba, Brastagi, Gundaling. Lake Toba is a lot of tourist attractions visited by the tourists, both local and foreign tourists. Lake Toba famous for the beautiful scenery around the lake. Lake water is bluish and the air temperature is cold and cool make us feel comfortable and enjoy the quiet atmosphere like this, is in between routine work that we face every day. In addition to enjoying the scenery of Lake Toba, we can also play the water, such as swimming, or playing so that the increased popularity boat holiday atmosphere.
Medan,Sumatera Utara
Kota Medan terletak pada propinsi Sumatera Utara. Disana terdapat beberapa tempat wisata , seperti Danau Toba, Brastagi, Gundaling. Danau Toba merupakan tempat wisata yang banyak dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan lokal maupun wisatawan asing. Danau Toba terkenal akan keindahan pemandangan di sekitar danau. Air Danau yang kebiru-biruan serta suhu udaranya yang dingin dan sejuk membuat kita merasa tenang dan nyaman menikmati suasana seperti ini, disela-sela rutinitas pekerjaan yang kita hadapi setiap hari. Selain menikmati pemandangan Danau Toba, kita juga dapat bermain air , seperti berenang, atau bermain perahu sehingga bertambah marak suasana liburan
13 years ago
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